• Sri Liani Suselo
  • Tarsidin Tarsidin


Poverty level of Indonesia remains high while the economy experiences relatively high and steady growth. The asymmetry is investigated, probing the poverty and economic growth-structure linkages at sectoral level. The result shows that agriculture sector is the highest contributors of poverty at almost all regions. It is also the most responsive sector, with its high growth elasticity of poverty reduction. On the other hand economic structure seems to have varying impacts on poverty at sectoral level.

JEL Classification: O10, O49

Keywords:Poverty, economic growth, structure, sectoral level.


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How to Cite
Suselo, S. L., & Tarsidin, T. (2009). KEMISKINAN DI INDONESIA: PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN DAN PERUBAHAN STRUKTUR EKONOMI. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 11(2), 155 -.