• Ali Ashraf Frostburg State University
  • M. Kabir Hassan University of New Orleans
  • Kyle J. Putnam University of New Orleans
  • Arja Turunen-Red University of New Orleans
Keywords: Accounting standard, Banks, Loan loss provision


We analyze if a change in accounting standard or a change in prudential regulation
impacts banks’ loan loss provision. We find that, in general, the banks using a
principles-based accounting standard exhibit a lower level of earnings management
compared to banks using a rules-based accounting standard. When a country moves
from pro-cyclical macro-prudential regulations to a dynamic provisioning regime,
banks are more likely to set aside a larger amount of loan loss provision for the purpose
of income smoothing.


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How to Cite
Ashraf, A., Hassan, M. K., Putnam, K., & Turunen-Red, A. (2019). PRUDENTIAL REGULATORY REGIMES, ACCOUNTING STANDARDS, AND EARNINGS MANAGEMENT IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 21(3), 367-394.