Online Banking Implementation: Risk Mapping Using ERM Approach

  • Mochamad Aji Jaya Sakti Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Noer Azham Achsani Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Ferry Syarifuddin Bank Indonesia
Keywords: Risk, Banking, Online Banking, ERM


The implementation of online banking in Indonesia is in line with the increasing of mobile device users who have become a part of people’s lifestyle, hence online banking offers easiness to access on banking services. This study is to examine risk mapping on the implementation online banking using ERM approach, including risk mitigation strategies for identified risks. This research was conducted at XYZ Bank who has implemented online banking. The results of this study find 55 potential risks. Some of it identified risks related to bank system security such as vulnerability to viruses, malware, hacking, also access information by an unauthorized person. Risk mitigation strategies applied by XYZ Bank is mostly done by managing the risk because the implementation online banking is still on the development process, and the Bank remains optimistic with the future prospect of online banking by staying with government regulations.


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How to Cite
Jaya Sakti, M. A., Achsani, N., & Syarifuddin, F. (2018). Online Banking Implementation: Risk Mapping Using ERM Approach. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 20(3), 279-306.