• Denny Irawan
  • Febrio Kacaribu
Keywords: Business Cycle Risk, Credit Cycle, Bank Lending, Financial Risk


The previous financial crisis has revealed the importance of risk in the financial and business cycle within the economy. This paper examines relationship among three cycles in the economy, namely (i) business cycle macro risk, (ii) credit cycle and (iii) risk cycle, and their impacts toward individual bank performance. We examine the responses of individual bank credit cycle and risk cycle toward a shock in business cycle macro risk and its consequence to the bank performance. We use Indonesian data for period of 2005q1 to 2014q4. We use unbalanced panel data of individual banks’ balance sheet with Panel Vector Autoregressive approach based on GMM style estimation by implementing PVAR package developed by Abrigo and Love (2015). The result shows dynamic relationship between business cycle macro risk and financial risk cycles. The study also observes prominent role of risk cycles in driving bank performance. We also show the existence of financial accelerator phenomenon in Indonesian banking system, in which financial cycles precede the business cycle macro risk.


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How to Cite
Irawan, D., & Kacaribu, F. (2017). TRI-CYCLES ANALYSIS ON BANK PERFORMANCE: PANEL VAR APPROACH. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 19(4), 403-442.