• Wijoyo Santoso Bank Indonesia
  • Shinta R.I. Soekro Bank Indonesia
  • Darmansyah Darmansyah Bank Indonesia
  • Hilde D. Sihaloho Bank Indonesia
Keywords: asset securitization, SME's, banking


This paper analyzes the asset securitization as a source of financing for small and medium scale enterprise. We use field survey and focus group discussion in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Medan, and Banjarmasin, covering 149 samples in total. This paper found the banks generally are in excess liquidity condition, therefore face difficulty on obtaining the minimum of Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). For this reason, those banks are not interested to sell the SME’s loan though they are quite interested on the asset securitization concept. For the banks, the major motive to invest in asset securitization program is a high yield. In addition, they expect this portfolio to increase the LDR. Prior the implementation of this program, this paper underlines the necessity to overcome some obstacles including non-bankable SME’s, liquidity and human resource of the banks, and limited information of the asset securitazion program (EBA-UMKM).    


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How to Cite
Santoso, W., Soekro, S. R., Darmansyah, D., & Sihaloho, H. D. (2015). PEMANFAATAN SEKURITISASI ASET DALAM MENDORONG SEKTOR RIIL: ALTERNATIF PEMBIAYAAN UMKM. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 17(2), 221-239.