• Novi Maryaningsih Bank Indonesia
  • Oki Hermansyah Bank Indonesia
  • Myrnawati Savitri Bank Indonesia
Keywords: σ-convergence, β-convergence, Solow growth model, income distribution, Gini coefficient, disparity


The disparity on per capita income is evident between Java and outside Java in Indonesia. This paper confirms this evidence using σ-convergence statistic. Furthermore, this paper identify the determinant of per capita income by adopting the Solow growth model and β-convergence model. The result emphasize confirms the availability of basic infrastructure including electricity, road and sea transport are a necessary condition to gain high and sustainable growth. In addition, the result shows the existence of β-convergence, which represents the pace of regions with lower per capita income catching up other regions with higher per capita income, in Indonesia with 1,75% speed of convergence; or equivalent with half-life of 41.14 years. Furthermore, the openness will increase the region’s productivity due to higher technology spillover.     JEL Classification:


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How to Cite
Maryaningsih, N., Hermansyah, O., & Savitri, M. (2014). PENGARUH INFRASTRUKTUR TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 17(1), 62-98.

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