• Renniwaty Siringoringo


This paper analyzes the influence of ownership and specific characteristic of banks on the capital structure and the intermediation function of commercial banks in Indonesia. Using multivariate regression on bank level data of 2006-2009, the result shows the ownership structure, profitability, size, and management expense affect the bank capital structure, with a total effect of 50.14%. Towards the bank intermediation, with a total effect of 27.01%, the ownership structure, profitability, bank size, credit risk, expense management and capital structure influence the banks intermediation function.


Keywords : Ownership structure, specific characteristic of bank, capital structure and bank intermediation function

JEL Classification: G21, G32


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How to Cite
Siringoringo, R. (2012). INTERMEDIATION CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF BANKING IN INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 15(1), 63-82.