• Ascarya Ascarya Bank Indonesia


This study aims to investigate transmission mechanism of dual monetary system from conventional and Islamic policy rates to inflation and output using Granger and VAR methods on monthly Indonesian banking data form January 2003 to December 2009. The result shows that conventional transmission mechanismsfrom conventional policy rate are all linked tooutput and inflation, while Islamic policy rate are not linked to output and inflation.In addition, the interest rate, credit and conventional interbank rate shocks give negative and permanent impacts to inflation and output, while PLS, financing and Islamic interbank PLS, as well as SBIS(Central Bank Shariah Certificate) as Islamic policy rate shocks give positive and permanent impacts to inflation and output. SBI (Central Bank Certificate) as conventional policy givespositive impact to inflation and negative impact to output.


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How to Cite
Ascarya, A. (2012). ALUR TRANSMISI DAN EFEKTIFITAS KEBIJAKAN MONETER GANDA DI INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 14(3), 283-315.