• MHA. Ridhwan


The regional impact of the monetary policy has been a crucial issue especially on its distributional impact. Using Meta-Analysis, this paper run a quantitative survey on previous studies to explain the asymmetric impact of national policy on economic growth across region. Based on selected criteria we have similar researches on sample data; mainly they used VAR method.

Our model estimation shows the significant and importance of capital intensity degree, the financial depth and several macroeconomic indicators in explaining the different result across region and period of these studies. In general our finding confirms the robustness of their result.

Keywords: Monetary union, output, Meta-Analysis

JEL Classification: E52, R11, C83


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How to Cite
Ridhwan, M. (2010). DAMPAK ASIMETRIS TERHADAP OUTPUT DALAM SEBUAH SERIKAT MONETER DENGAN PENDEKATAN META-ANALYSIS. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 12(2), 207-241. https://doi.org/10.21098/bemp.v12i2.355