• Paul D. Mc Nelis


This paper examines the demand for currency and quasi-money in Indonesia with linear and neural network models. The goal is to predict better the recent financial distress, reflected by the flight into currency and decline of quasi-money.

The results show that neural network approaches, much more than linear models, are capable of accurate out-of-sample predictions for both monetary aggregates. However, for the very turbulent period of November and December of 1997, even the neural network models show large out-of-sample forecast errors. 

When a proxy for exchange-rate uncertainty supplements the network models, the out-of-sample currency demand becomes quite accurate, even for the last month of 1997. The quasi-money demand forecast also improve, although not as dramatically as those of currency demand. 

The analysis shows that a credible program, which reduces uncertainty in exchange-rate expectations, may mitigate the flight into currency from broad money, and the ensuing demonetization of the financial sector.


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How to Cite
Mc Nelis, P. D. (2003). MONEY DEMAND, FINANCIAL DISTRESS, AND EXCHANGE-RATE UNCERTAINTY IN INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 3(1), 1-19.