Keywords: Repo analysis, Risk tolerance, Historical value-at-risk, Repo haircut


We study repo haircut determinants and develop the haircut calculation model. Collateral securities are government and corporate fixed-incomes, and we examine the determinants in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Implementing the Generalized AutoRegressive-Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) process, we find that the changes in long-memory returns, liquidities, and currency influence haircuts. Then, we introduce the haircut model using the historical and parametric Value-at-Risk (VaR), burdening the borrower as much as the α-percentile collateral loss. When borrowers default, lenders get the collaterals and haircuts to compensate for the collateral-price change.


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Author Biography

Aryo Sasongko, Bank Indonesia

A Staff in Bank Indonesia Institute


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How to Cite
Gunadi, I., Sasongko, A., & Sari, D. (2023). ANALYZING COLLATERAL REPO HAIRCUTS IN ASIAN COUNTRIES. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 25(4), 495-530.