• Obed I. Ojonta University of Nigeria, Nsukka
  • Jonathan E. Ogbuabor University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Keywords: Access to credit, Non-farm household enterprises, Physical capital stock, Binary logit model


This study investigated the influence of access to credit on the physical capital stock of non-farm household enterprises in Nigeria. The study used the binary logistic regression technique and Nigeria’s 2018-19 General Household Survey data (Wave 4). We find that the influence of access to credit on the physical capital stock of nonfarm household enterprises in Nigeria is positive and significant. This implies that access to credit enhances the capacity of these enterprises to procure physical capital stock. Our results also indicate that expenditure on raw materials, profit, and years of operations are other key drivers of physical capital stock accumulation. Consequently, we conclude that there is a need for policies to enhance access to credit by non-farm household enterprises in Nigeria to strengthen their operations on a sustainable basis.


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How to Cite
Ojonta, O., & Ogbuabor, J. (2021). ACCESS TO CREDIT AND PHYSICAL CAPITAL STOCK: A STUDY OF NON-FARM HOUSEHOLD ENTERPRISES IN NIGERIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 24(4), 631-640.