• Chinmaya Behera Goa Institute of Management
  • Badri Narayan Rath IIT Hyderabad, India.
Keywords: COVID-19, Pharmaceutical companies, Risk, Stock return, Event study analysis


Although there is a plethora of studies which examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on India’s financial sector, we contribute by investigating the effect of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on stock returns of Indian pharmaceutical companies. By employing an event study methodology, our results indicate that the average returns of the pharmaceutical sector are positive during the COVID-19 phase although
mixed evidence is found at the firm level. This finding is also robust to alternative model specifications.




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How to Cite
Behera, C., & Rath, B. (2021). THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES: AN EVENT STUDY ANALYSIS. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 24, 1-14.