• Solikin M. Juhro Bank Indonesia
  • A. Farid Aulia Bank Indonesia
Keywords: New Source of Growth, Innovation, Frugal Innovation, Transformational Leadership, Breakthrough Possibility Frontier


This paper’s main thesis is that frugal innovation and transformational leadership offer
additional sources of growth. Our main contribution is the proposal of what we refer
to as the breakthrough possibility frontier (BPF) model, which integrates two aspects
of leadership: innovation quality (frugal innovation) and leadership competency
(transformational leadership). We test the BPF model on two groups of respondents,
one group consisting of university students who had never been formal leaders
and the other formal leaders who had office experience. The BPF analysis suggests
that transformational leadership is a game changer, required for breakthroughs.
Transformational leadership is key to encouraging innovation quality and leadership
competency and, we argue, to facilitating new sources of growth. Our results imply
the development of an integrated institutional framework for innovation. We believe
that innovative leadership development programs that can be easily implemented
and replicated in other regions are needed to develop transformational leadership


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How to Cite
Juhro, S. M., & Aulia, A. F. (2019). NEW SOURCES OF GROWTH: THE ROLE OF FRUGAL INNOVATION AND TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 22(3), 383 - 402.