The Effect of Ownership and Global Crisis to Income Diversification of Indonesian Banking

  • muhamad murharsito Nahdlatul Ulama' Islamic University
Keywords: income diversification, ownership, global crisis, indonesian banks


This paper attempts to examine the effect of ownership and global crisis to income diversification of Indonesian Banks during period of 2005 to 2012. The income diversification is classified as the taxonomy of De Young and Rice (2004), therefore income diversification is classified in to non-traditional stakeholder non-interest income and traditional and fee for service non-interest income. Apart of regress the whole bank sample, analysis is conducted to each of ownership types as well. Pooled effect and random effect panel data are run to produce the estimation result. The result suggests that ownership affects income diversification of Indonesian banks. In terms of traditional and fee for service non-traditional income, public banks significantly generate less than the other ownership types. On the other hand ownership doesn’t affect the effort of Indonesian banks in generating traditional and fee for service non-interest income. The effect of global crisis has different direction to each non-interest income, it significantly encourages banks to generate traditional and fee for service non-interest income, and although it is not significant, it has negative effect to non-traditional stakeholder non-interest income.



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How to Cite
murharsito, muhamad. (2018). The Effect of Ownership and Global Crisis to Income Diversification of Indonesian Banking. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 17(3), 339-356.