• Hilman Hanivan Statistics Indonesia
  • Nasrudin Nasrudin
Keywords: financial inclusion, Principal component analysis, Unequal weights


Numerous studies have constructed financial inclusion indexes for Indonesia, using a
multidimensional approach. However, there is a problem with the methodology, which
assumes that all the dimensions play the same role in defining financial inclusion,
since they are based on equal weighting criteria. This paper aims to obviate concerns
with the methodology by developing a more empirically based index, namely, a
weighted multidimensional index of financial inclusion based on two-stage principal
component analysis. In other words, we endogenize the weights. We find that usage is
the most important dimension in defining financial inclusion in Indonesia, followed
by availability and access.


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How to Cite
Hanivan, H., & Nasrudin, N. (2019). A FINANCIAL INCLUSION INDEX FOR INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 22(3), 351 - 366. https://doi.org/10.21098/bemp.v22i3.1056