• Seema Wati Narayan Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
  • Telisa Falianty Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
  • Lutzardo Tobing Bank Indonesia
Keywords: exchange rate, oil price, exchange rate regimes, Indonesia


This study tests for a long-run relation between oil prices and the rupiah–US dollar
exchange rate. We discover, first, that the long-run cointegration relation between oil
prices and the real exchange rate (RER) is sensitive to different exchange rate regimes
in Indonesia. Second, we find a long-run cointegrating relation between oil prices and
the RER over the float exchange rate regime. However, in the managed float period,
there is no evidence of a long-run relation between oil prices and the RER. In the long
run, higher oil prices lead to an appreciation of the rupiah against the US dollar in the
float period (post-August 1997 period). We demonstrate that these results are robust to
different data frequencies.


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How to Cite
Narayan, S., Falianty, T., & Tobing, L. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF OIL PRICES ON INDONESIA’S EXCHANGE RATE. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 21(3), 303-322.