• Susan Sunila Sharma Deakin University
  • Ferry Syarifuddin
Keywords: Income velocity of money, Unit root; Cointegration; Long-run and short-run elasticities.


Using monthly time-series data and both short-and long-run models, our paper
examines the determinants of Indonesia’s income velocity of money. Our findings
suggest that in the long-run, tax revenue, short-term interest rate, industrial production
and, in the short-run, money demand, significantly determine income velocity of
money. Our analysis suggests that the effect on income velocity is mostly over the
long-run as most determinants are dormant in the short-run. The implication from a
policy perspective is that shocks are unlikely to burden income velocity over short time


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How to Cite
Sharma, S., & Syarifuddin, F. (2019). DETERMINANTS OF INDONESIA’S INCOME VELOCITY OF MONEY. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 21(3), 323-342.

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