• Solikin M. Juhro Bank Indonesia
  • Bernard Njindan Iyke Deakin University
Keywords: Financial conditions, Monetary policy, Indonesia


We develop a financial condition index (FCI) and examine the effects of monetary
policy on financial conditions in Indonesia. We show that our FCI tracks financial
conditions quite well because it captures key financial events (the Asian financial
crisis of 1997–1998, the Indonesian banking crisis, and the global financial crisis and
its aftermath). A unique feature of our FCI is that it is quarterly and thus offers near
real-time development in financial conditions. We also show that monetary policy
shapes the FCI. A contractionary monetary policy leads to unfavourable financial
conditions during the first two quarters, followed by favourable financial conditions
for nearly three quarters. This finding is robust to an alternative identification strategy.
Our findings highlight the critical role of the monetary authority in shaping financial
conditions in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Juhro, S., & Njindan Iyke, B. (2019). MONETARY POLICY AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS IN INDONESIA. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter Dan Perbankan, 21(3), 283-302.

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